
The following lists the army creation features of the WarFoundry application. Approximate dates for the addition of features are given where applicable.

Library code

The following features are available in the WarFoundry API.

  • Staged loading of large files (game systems, races and armies) so that only the minimum information is loaded at first
  • Creation of elements of the above from files: categories, unit types, basic equipment items
  • Parsing of unit stats (both format for game system and unit type stats)
  • Requirements system that allows the definition of reasonably complex requirement rules for both items added to an army (e.g. units) and items added to a unit (e.g. equipment).

User Interface code

Currently there are two user interfaces, although the design of the application is such that any programmer should be able to take the library API and create a new user interface in the toolkit of their choice.


The GTK# interface is a native Linux (Gnome) interface used by many Mono applications. Ports are also available for Windows, but graphical integration may not be as seemless.

Due to the developer's use of Linux as a main desktop environment then the GTK# interface is currently the most updated.

  • Choose game system
  • Create new army (race, name and size)
  • Add unit to army
  • View unit and change its name and size


SWF is Microsoft's standard windowing toolkit in .Net. This is likely to be the most commonly used interface, as the majority of computers come pre-installed with some flavour of Windows.

The Windows implementation shown in the September 2007 WarFoundry screenshots was based on an old version of the WarFoundry API. As such it will not currently work without some modifications, but as the main principles have remained fairly constant (e.g. the methods for notifying that a unit has been added are the same) then this should be less work than creating the interface initially.