
A new year, a new Fiancee

Permalink 11:40:14 am, Categories: General, 146 words  

OK, so she's not 'new' in that I wasn't going out with her before, or in that I've had one fiancee and replaced her or anything, but the title is the best I can come up with!

While on holiday in Colorado I proposed to my girlfriend of now, very nearly, two years. It wasn't a suprise proposal, it was a mutual agreement that we wanted that extra step - it makes it much easier: you get told what ring they like, you know they won't say "no" or "not yet, it's too early", and all you have to think of is what to say where and when!

I actually proposed on the 18th December in the snow of Colorado's Rocky Mountains (Winter Park is much better for memories than normal England!), but I've only just had time to post here about it :)

Happy New Year everyone!

Comments, Trackbacks:

Comment from: Ben [Visitor] · http://ben-ward.co.uk
Holy crap Stu, that's terrifying… I mean, congratulations. And terror.

I don't want to grow up!
Permalink 02/01/06 @ 18:57
Comment from: IBBoard [Member]

Thanks :)

And I'm not growing up, just growing. Possibly sideways growth. Not weight growth, just growth that isn't necessecarily 'up'!

Permalink 03/01/06 @ 07:47
