
Command-line SGA Extractor released (v1.1)

Permalink 03:22:42 pm, Categories: Dawn of War, 82 words  

Further to the original Command-line SGA Extractor announcement, I've now released the Command-line SGA Extractor v1.1. The new version of the extractor fixes a bug with recursive hex-editing, a small bug when extracting to a folder-path without slashes and also adds additional output and logging features.

Once again, this isn't designed for normal user usage, but it can be very useful for developers, as will soon be shown by Danimator's Ulthwe mod and my own Halved Marines Mod and Quartered Marines Mod.

Comments, Trackbacks:

Comment from: Tom Black [Visitor]
Hi. Thx for this good site.
Good Luck!
Permalink 30/03/06 @ 14:23
Comment from: Jack Burns [Visitor]
Hi there!
When I look at your blog I feel better for myself.
So good luck for you and your site!
And sorry for possible multiposting....it's not my fault.

Permalink 01/04/06 @ 14:27
