
Whose bright idea was Managed DirectX?

Permalink 03:14:42 pm, Categories: Programming, 231 words  

Well, not so much MDX but the fact that it's an entirely separate download, even for people who have the latest DirectX installed?

I'm trying to update the Dawn of War Texture Tool to be able to convert TGA images to DDS images. The application is written in C#, so I downloaded the DirectX SDK for .Net. After a bit of fighting to get it to flip a loaded texture, not only do I find out that DirectX doesn't have a direct way of doing it (manual byte swapping is the easiest way) but I also find that the documentation has less substance than a political manifesto and that the Managed DirectX isn't a normal part of most people's DirectX installs. That means my 75KB application has to come with a 4MB+ DirectX installer to add in Managed DirectX support!

You'd have thought that for something like DirectX, Microsoft would have done a better job of making C#/.Net applications that use more accessible, but apparently not. Now I'm trying to work out how to include unmanaged DirectX in my application, and not getting very far.

Normally I like C# for its cleaness, power and ease of use, but at the moment I'm beginning to realise why some people don't like it! Oh well, time to blame it on Microsoft for not making things as easy as they could do again.

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