Clearlooks 2 Blend (Metacity)

Section: Themes

A modified version of the Clearlooks 2 theme for Linux's Metacity window manager. I always liked the theme, especially with the Clearlooks Cairo 6x GTK widget theme in Fedora Core 6, but I always wanted the unfocused windows to blend better. A quick bit of theme hacking and this is the result - a modification to the unfocused windows that gives a seemless blend of title to body on unfocused windows, and a more subtle border on the focused windows. I currently use the theme with Compiz's GTK-Window-Decorator for added transparency effects.



  • v1.0 release 13th April 2007


  • Dark border on bottom of unfocused title removed so that title bar blends more with window body
  • Dark border on bottom of focused title lightened so that change from unfocused and no line to focused isn't so major
  • Outer border of unfocused windows lightened so that background windows are more subtle and subdued

License: GPL 2.0

Credits: Based on Clearlooks 2 by Daniel Borgmann


Also available at
